17 signs that you WISH you were still in Bali...

Photo taken by Dave Anderson

Photo taken by Dave Anderson

No one ever wants their holiday to end but Bali has a way of leaving a taste in your mouth that you just don't want to get rid of. Here are some sure signs that you wish you could have lingered for a week or two longer in the Island of the Gods.

  1. You try to negotiate the taxi fare home from the airport and are disappointed when the driver isn’t blasting 90’s dance music out of oversized speakers.
  2. It becomes very annoying that you can’t turn to just about anyone on the street and ask for a scooter/surfing lessons/driver/viagra and have it turn up within seconds.
  3. ‘Let’s meet at sunset’ is no longer a valid meeting time and you hesitantly resort back to using the clock.
  4. You wish people would rip you off because you miss playing the negotiation game.
  5. You consider any day that doesn't involve at least one swim as a day wasted. 
  6. Secretly, you’re getting around the house in a sarong.
  7. The fact that you can’t afford a smoothie with breakfast makes you want to pull the pin on the Western World. 
  8. You tell everyone where you are going all the time because you miss constantly being asked by smiley faced Balinese people, ‘where are you going?’ 
  9. You refuse to go anywhere that you can't wear flip flops.
  10. You think grabbing a quick whole coconut on the go to quench your thirst should be a lot more convenient.
  11. You wish that you could get Nasi with your KFC meal rather than chips.
  12. If you can’t remember someone’s name you run the gauntlet- Ketut or Wayan.
  13. You're still posting your Bali photos on social media with #takemeback.
  14. You get excited when you find a bottle shop that sells Bintangs. And you excitement subsides when you realise they cost more than $2.
  15. You try and salvage your last Bali manicure for as long as possible.
  16. You catch a whiff of a coconut and you instantly think of that sunscreen smell and sunbaking in Bali.
  17. You look for the rice paddy short cut when you're stuck in traffic.